Infant & Toddler
Infant & Toddler Learning Programs in Southeast Denton, TX

Learning Center Infant Classes
Our teachers understand that the learning process begins when we are just infants, and they have created a curriculum that addresses your child’s needs. Your infant can begin their development process while also remaining safe and happy under our watchful care.
We teach different lessons, including honing large muscle and language skills. This helps children learn how to better communicate their needs while also developing self-sufficiency. Enroll your child in one of our infant classes to seize this learning opportunity.
Learning Center Toddler Classes
Our toddler program offers a unique year of self-development in a special atmosphere of understanding, respect, and support for children aged 18 months to three years. The toddler classroom is simpler and slower-paced than the three-to-six-year-old class but is still a powerful learning opportunity.
We typically teach children in our learning center toddler class how to continue to improve their language and large muscle skills. Our teachers develop an environment that facilitates the learning experience by taking the lead from the children, ensuring the ground rules are followed, and encouraging students to perform tasks at a comfortable pace.